Thursday, July 17, 2008

"Psychological report: the doble subject of psychology and law"

In this article, Judit Bembribe shows the nature of some difficulties that psychologists face when they have to make an expert report. These are the main two problems:

- The impossibility of an independent psychological evaluation of the legal fact (tha "accused" can't be seen in a different way, the are "pre-judged")

- The confussion in the idea of subject that both disciplines (pshycology and law) have.

Another central topic is the following hypothesis: Psychology provides theoretical elements to control the individuals, with the negative consecuences that it entails (the human labeling).

It's an interesting paper, that shows the biggest ethical problem of my discipline, wich many psychologists ignore...

Thursday, July 10, 2008


This semester, my group and I had to study a social organization, so we went to PAFAM. This is an institution thats depends of the "Hogar de Cristo". The mission of this place is to help people who has relatives with mental diseases (like schizophrenia, depression, alzheimer, epilepsy, etc) to take care of their loved ones and of themselves through daily issues: they teach about diseases and disorders, about the medicines and treatment, self-steem problems, etc.

In this project we have to observe the way this institution works, and if their interventions are efective enough...we are still working on it!, so I can't tell much about it. But so far, it has been fun...and stressing! This kind of experiences really prepare me professionally, it's very probable that, as a clinical psychologist, I'll face this kind of realities.

Well, this are the websites that I recomend you to visit to learn more about this topic:

Hope you like this, bye!